Friday, February 26, 2010

Moving Forward!

I can't believe that I am about halfway through my first semester of the PN program! It's gone by fast, yet slow at times. Next week, we have a test in each class (2) and then a day off (we are going to go vent our frustrations by playing laser tag) and then start our Med-Surg class on Friday. This is the class that will coincide with our clinical. I'm excited for clinicals!  I'm pulling high B's in both classes so it really helps my confidence level!

It is an in-service day today for the college so I'm home. Working on the last little bit of homework, getting test guides put together, housework. Fun times!

Isaac started a new daycare/"preschool" this past Monday. He seems to love it and we are so glad! He's transitioned very well (and quickly!) and can't wait to go every day. There are new kids to play with, he gets to play on a computer, a sand table, and if it ever warms up again, they play outside (as the weather permits). It's nice that it's like 1 block from DMACC so he's really close by and I can pop in for lunch if I wanted!

We haven't had any snow for about 2 weeks now, although we were supposed to get some last weekend. I'm not complaining! It's been cold this week, but NO SNOW! Warmer temps on the way next week, but I hear there is a storm coming in for next weekend. Of course there is because I *might* have plans. Never fails!

Taken on Feb. 20, 2010. Isaac and I played outside for a little bit that day!

Nothing else really exciting happening around here! We're anxious for spring, warmer temps and Spring Break!

Monday, February 15, 2010

just sayin'...

I'm REALLY REALLY tired of the snow. And cold. And plain old winter in general.

More snow last week, more snow this past Saturday (because I had plans of course) into yesterday and more snow overnight! 
Local schools have had 10-11 snow days! Some districts around us are extending the school day, others are considering classes on Saturdays! 

My check off went well last week. I got 96/100 and my 4 points were pretty stupid mistakes. Grr. I'm pulling B's in both classes and am pretty excited for clinicals to start in about 3 weeks.

Spent Saturday afternoon down in Des Moines with some girls from high school. Did some shopping, had dinner, caught up. Then I drove home in snow, which is never fun. 40 mph on the Interstate! I was finally into Boone County before I could do 60 mph! That's unusual because normally Boone County is horrible about clearing the highway.

Today is a get everything caught up for school/at home day. Isaac is at day care, which allows me to do school work and other chores undisturbed. Pretty much caught up for the week for classes, except for practicing my med/eye check off tomorrow AM.

We signed Isaac up for soccer this spring. I hope he likes it and I think it'll be fun to watch a bunch of 3-4 year olds running around trying to play soccer! 

Monday, February 8, 2010

Week 4 going into Week 5

About a 1/4 of the semester is behind me already!

Things are going well. I'm enjoying my classes and enjoying getting to know the others in my class. With all the assessments we are learning, we will know each other pretty well in two years!

Tomorrow (Tuesday, hopefully?) is our first "check-off". We are going to be doing a head-toe assessment on our community partner. We need to attain 90% on all our check offs in order to pass the class. This is a big one, as it is literally head to toe. WIth the weather we are having today and into tomorrow, there is a possibility that it may be pushed back. Snow yesterday was supposed to amount to half an inch. We got over 2". Today it's snowing and every weatherman has a different guess as to the amount. So, I'll just say we're supposed to get a lot (I'd say we have about 4-5" as of 1:30 CST) and then the winds are to pick up tonight and into tomorrow.
They are saying that we may beat the snow record from 1961/1962. I guess the amount then was 59". I would think this storm may put us near or over! I've lost track of all the snow, it's just gotten so old.

This was taken from our driveway on Christmas Day. (It was snowing then too!)
Today @ 1:30 PM CST

My feet were covered when I stepped out to take the photo. Brrrr.....

Here's hoping that spring comes quickly!