Friday, September 25, 2009


I'm feeling random today.

*had a pretty decent week at school. On Monday, we had our first micro exam. No grade yet.
Tuesday was a 2 hour lecture day and Wednesday was lab. One of my slides has to be redone so that is a little aggravating.

*Fall tv has started. We don't have cable so it's nice to have some options to watch again after Isaac goes to bed. We record them to our computer then transfer to the tv. We tend to watch the show the night after it originally aired, but that's ok!

*The weather is finally cooling off. It was strange having 80* temps through the middle of September!

*Had a big tree limb come down on Monday. Right onto the neighbor's cable wire. Ooops. Got it back up and the tree will be trimmed in the next week.

No big plans on the agenda this weekend, other than riding Thomas the Train with Isaac. I won 4 tickets so we are doing that Sunday, along with a friend of ours and her 3 year old grandson. Isaac seems to be excited about it!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Yay! It came

After JUST discussing this with some students in my microbiology class and my husband, I got some GREAT mail today!

My acceptance letter into the RN program for January 2010 came! I'm so excited, relieved, nervous, scared, and happy all at the same time!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

What a weekend.

Saturday, I was stuffed up alternating with a runny nose. By the evening time, I was miserable. Sunday, I felt pretty crummy as well, same as Saturday but with some dizziness thrown in. Ick. I hate taking sinus meds and this time was no exception. I had some very strange dreams.

Woke up Monday feeling good so went ahead with plans of taking Isaac to the DSM zoo. My mom came along and we had fun. Isaac had a free pass and while we were waiting in line to pay, a kid handed my mom a coupon: Buy one adult admission, get one free. Awesome. So it cost $9.95 for the 3 of us to get into the zoo!

We decided to be rebels and went around the opposite way of the way we (and everyone else) go. Isaac loved watching the eagles and red panda, then the Gibbons and giraffes. He growled like a tiger when we saw them. Cute! We fed the ducks and you should have heard my boy laugh! Unfortunately, the train wasn't running and Isaac was pretty disappointed. But we got past that without any tantrum or fit.

It was back to the grind today. Went to the Y this AM, Ike to daycare and I had micro this afternoon.

I'm stuffed up again tonight and didn't sleep well last night so off to bed I go.

Friday, September 4, 2009

4 days in

I have survived 4 days of microbiology. So far, so good. It ended up being Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, rather than the MWF like I thought. Good thing our daycare is flexible!
My lab partner was in my anatomy class this past spring so we were happy to team up again. We are both looking at acceptance into the RN program in January (we hope).

Other than the start of classes for me and a new daycare schedule for Ike, things are pretty much the same around here.

It's Labor Day weekend which is usually the "official" end of summer. I'm not sure if Iowa had a summer? We had one week of 95+* temps back in June and I think that was the hottest it got all summer. Needless to say, we didn't hit the pool much. I'm thinking maybe a trip to the zoo this weekend since Ike received a pass from participating on the library's summer reading program.

I started working out at the Y this week. So far, so good. The first two days I thought I was going to die! I ran/walked/jogged on the track the first day and then the second day, the same but only on the treadmill. Yesterday, I started on the treadmill then did some time on the stairclimber thing. Today's workout felt good, especially after my sister reminded me the other day to stretch beforehand! Next week, I will increase my workout time a bit. I didn't want to start out at say, an hour, just to wimp out and quit. So, it was about 35 minutes + cooldown this week.

We helped some friends get ready to move to Texas last weekend. They have a little girl who is 3 months younger than Ike. Every time we are near their street, he asks to go to "Ava's" house. It's hard to explain to a 3 year old why his friend isn't around anymore. :(

As I look around, I have 3 cats napping in various places and a little monkey who SHOULD be napping but is up wandering around his room. He was up early so without a nap, we'll be hoping for an early bedtime!