Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

I spent Mother's Day at work. Although, it was great to see so many families come and visit their loved ones yesterday.

Isaac and Mark brought my lunch (Subway) and had lunch with me. That was nice.
When I got home, Isaac had a surprise for me.....a potted geranium and a bag of candy. So sweet.

At school, he made me a beautiful card and a note that says "My mother luz me" . LOVED IT!

He wanted to bring me breakfast in bed and was disappointed that I had to work. He kept wishing me Happy Mother's Day until he went to bed.

Last Friday my mom came down and Isaac and I took her out for lunch then to Reiman Gardens over in Ames. We finished up our day with some ice cream and a trip to Target.

A good weekend!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May already?

How can it already be May? Didn't 2012 JUST start??

I've been busy! I've been at my job about a month and half now. This past weekend was my second full weekend on my own.
I really enjoy it. I'm getting to know the residents, some of their likes/dislikes, habits, routines, etc. That certainly helps. All the CNA's I work with are great and have been there for a while so they are able to alert me to things that I may overlook.
The only thing I don't like is getting up so early (0415), but it's only 2 days a week.
Isaac only has about 3 weeks of school left for the year! Hard to believe that he is so close to being finished with his first year of school!
I've been reading a lot of books on my Kindle lately. I take it to work and read on my lunch break, which is a great way to fit in a little bit more reading in my day. I try to remember to take it with me other places, as well.
I am trying to get out and walk more. I walk a lot at work and take the stairs when I go up/downstairs. I need to be more dedicated!