Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spring Break

We got Isaac's trike out the other day! We didn't go far because it was windy, but was nice to be outside for a bit! 

SPRING BREAK! It seemed as if we would never get here! I was so ready for break when it came!
Today is Wednesday, so it's day 3.
Monday-I cleaned my bedroom, folded laundry, put laundry away, sorted stuff for Goodwill. Amazing how good you feel when you sleep in a CLEAN CLEAN bedroom!
Tuesday, my mom, sister, Isaac and I went to the Science Center in Des Moines. Isaac seemed to enjoy it. I've been there before and I must say that it doesn't excite me, but wanted to do something for Isaac.
Today, I've cleaned both bathrooms, including the floors. I got a Shark Steam Floor cleaning thing and LOVE IT! You can use it on wood and linoleum. Which is excellent, since the bedrooms are wood, the bathroom and kitchen are linoleum. Makes the floor super clean!

The sun is shining brightly! I Have a few windows open, although it's only 54*. Mark jokes that I open windows when it's above freezing. I try to wait until it hits at least 50*.

Had orientation for clinical last week. Went well, no patient contact. Just learned their computer system, drug dispensing system and where to find stuff. I'm excited for next week because we actually get to work with people! (Not so excited about being to Ames by 7 AM, though. )

One of these days we need to get out and pick up the branches and sticks that came down in the yard over the winter. All the snow is just about gone and in another month we can burn. I'm excited for spring!
This is on the way home from Ankeny. It's a field!Another field! 

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

1/2 way!

Wow! Last week, I finished up the first half of my first semester! I did well in both classes and was pretty pleased with my grades. We have now started our Nursing Practice class that coincides with the clinical (that I start TOMORROW!). It's going to be a pretty intense class, with classwork, outside stuff, clinical, etc. But next week is Spring Break!

It's been raining here the last 3-4 days. At least it's not snow! And we can see some spots of grass! Hopefully, spring will arrive soon and it will warm up!

Isaac continues to love his new preschool. Can't wait to go every day. They have been playing outside the last week or so (when the temps were warm enough) so he's totally loving that he gets to play in the snow!

It's my "day off" but I have a lot of stuff to accomplish: school work, laundry, cleaning up the house a bit, etc etc. You know, the stuff that gets neglected during the school week! I'm off and running!